Lot Control

Regulatory compliance is crucial for businesses in the food and medical sectors. Tracking inventory by lot numbers ensures end-to-end product traceability. However, manual management using spreadsheets or disjointed databases can be cumbersome and error prone. That’s where Connected Accounting and ERP Software comes in.

Here’s how Connected simplifies your lot control requirements:

  • Lot Number Assignment: Connected assigns and tracks lot numbers and expiry dates for incoming inventory. This ensures accurate tracking and easy identification.
  • Labeling and Barcodes: You can label items with lot numbers and barcodes, making traceability straightforward. Whether it’s a lot-controlled item or a product without such controls, Connected handles it seamlessly.
  • Cost Tracking: Accurate cost tracking per lot is essential for profitability analysis. Connected ensures precise margin calculations by managing costs associated with specific lots.
  • Manufacturing Traceability: During manufacturing, lot-controlled items are meticulously tracked. Each finished product receives a lot number, enabling comprehensive traceability. Components used in a manufacture build e are also tracked by lot, as required.
  • Customer Orders and Returns: Connected maintains consistency by insisting on specifying lot numbers and quantities for customer orders and returns.
  • Flexibility: Items can be designated as Lot Controlled or Uncontrolled and any combination of both can be sold or used in a Manufacture.

By using Connected, you streamline lot number tracking and inventory traceability, saving time and meeting regulatory requirements. It’s the one-stop solution for your lot control needs, contributing to your business’s success.